In Madagascar, the Africa-Milk project produced outcomes

In Madagascar, the Africa-Milk project produced outcomes in improving milk quality management, in expanding milk production with balanced cows’ diets, and in strengthening cooperation between stakeholders along the milk value chain.

T. V. Andriamahefasoa (consultant), S. Audouin (CIRAD-FOFIFA), M. Vigne (CIRAD-FIFAMANOR), L. Rakotomalala (FIFAMANOR), E. Veromalalanirina (Socolait)

On May 10, 2022, the members of the Betafo’s Dairy Innovation Platform (DIP), 15 km from Antsirabe, hold a workshop in order to present the main outputs and outcomes of the Africa-Milk project related to implementation of the DIP. This workshop brought together around twenty project stakeholders, all members of the DIP: dairy farmers, milk collectors, representatives of the Socolait dairy processor, and researchers.

The method used to assess the outcome is called “outcome harvesting”. It is rooted into the theory of change, and focuses on the inventory of tangible outcomes in terms of practices, behaviours or interactions expressed by stakeholders. In Madagascar, the study was carried out by an independent consultant following 4 steps:

  1. Documentary review of the project outputs
  2. Outcomes formulation workshop with DIP members
  3. Substantiation via individual surveys with independent informants
  4. Presentation and discussion of the results to the DIP

In the Betafo DIP intervention area, the project contributed to generated outcomes related to four main areas:

  • Improved milk quality through improved hygienic practices at milking and separation of evening and morning milk. These outcomes were induced by the distribution of milking hygiene kits, by training sessions, and also thanks to the resolutions taken during the meetings of the DIP;
  • Improved feeding practices for dairy cows, thanks to raising awareness among DIP members of the importance of fodder crops in livestock feed. These outcomes were induced by smart dietselaborated with an adapted rationing tool (called “Jabnde”), by on-farm experiments of new fodders and by training sessions provided to DIP members;
  • Improved trust between dairy value chain stakeholders through more frequent interactions. These outcomes were induced by the many project activities within the DIP: initial identification of the DIP main topics, planning and follow-up meetings, open day, training sessions, provision of tools, etc.
  • The consolidation of the Socolait company in its new business strategy based on the development of the local milk sector. The work carried out with the DIP has contributed to the development of skills of the Socolait teams in terms of conducting on farm experiments and supporting the dynamics of multi-actor innovation.

These outcomes were induced by the implementation of DIP activities. While the concept of DIP was new for the actors of the dairy value chain, it was very appreciated because it offered them the possibility of meeting regularly (about 10 meetings of the Betafo’s DIP during the duration of the project) in order to discuss their problems and develop a set of solutions that directly address common issues.

Published: 07/09/2022